14th Pharmaceutical Powder X-ray Diffraction Symposium
PPXRD-14 Summary

PPXRD-14 once again provided a friendly forum for the exchange of knowledge and cutting-edge ideas among those interested in the combined fields of XRD and pharmaceutical sciences. This year, the symposium returned to Fort Myers, Florida, with the scenic Sanibel Harbour Marriott as our host, during the week of 6-9 June 2016. Nearly 40 attendees from ten countries were in attendance.  
The symposium began with an optional, full-day workshop on Monday, focusing on Quantitative Phase Analysis by XRPD, chaired and instructed by Arnt Kern, Bruker AXS, Germany; Fabia Gozzo, Excelsus Structural Solutions SPRL, Belgium; and Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt, Paul Scherrer Instiute, Switzerland.

Two and a half days of technical sessions followed:

  • Patent Issues
  • Amorphous, Activated, and Nano Materials
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis
  • PXRD Techniques/Rietveld Refinement/Crystal Structure Prediction/Crystal Structure Verification
  • New Frontiers in X-ray Diffraction for Pharmaceutical Research and Development
  • Formulation & Product Development/Polymorph, Salt & Co-crystal Screening

The complete program, including abstracts, is available for viewing at http://www.icdd.com/ppxrd/14/program.htm.

In addition, an evening Poster Session and reception were held, hosted by ICDD, in conjunction with a vendor exhibition. We thank the following organizations that participated: Bruker AXS; International Centre for Diffraction Data; PANalytical; Rigaku Americas Corporation; and STOE & Cie GmbH.

This event provided the perfect opportunity for attendees to network with colleagues, peruse the scientific posters, and discover the latest tools for XRD analysis as displayed by the vendors.  The exhibition was held during the first two days of the symposium.
We wish to thank DECTRIS for sponsoring a full day of coffee breaks during the symposium.   We are also thankful for the efforts of the PPXRD Organizing Committee who created a successful program filled with presentations covering fundamentals, as well as cutting-edge developments!  If you have an idea for future symposiums, please feel free to contact any member of the Organizing Committee.

Don’t miss the next PPXRD, scheduled for 18-21 August 2017. PPXRD-15 is being held as a satellite meeting to the Twenty-Fourth Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography, in Hyderabad, India.  Stay informed by visiting www.icdd.com/ppxrd.


Quantitative Phase Analysis by XRPD - Workshop

L to R -Fabia Gozzo, Arnt Kern, Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt

New Frontiers in XRD for Pharmaceutical R&D

L to R - Detlef Beckers (Chair), Dubravka Sisak Jung, Raj Suryanarayanan, Bob He, Partha Das

PXRD Techniques/Rietveld/Crystal Structure Prediction/
Crystal structure Verification

L to R - Keisuke Saito (Chair), Detlef Beckers, Jim Kaduk, Simon Bates

Formulation & Product Development/Polymorph,
Salt, & Co-crystal Screening

L to R - Keisuke Saito (Chair), Tim Fawcett (Chair), Naveen Thakral, Calvin Sun, Anisha Patel, Etsuo, Yonemochi

Amorphous, Activated and Nanomaterials

L to R - Tom Blanton, Tim Fawcett, Detlef Beckers, Fabia Gozzo (Chair), Anu Adibhatla

Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis

L to R - Tom Blanton (Chair, speaker), Suri Kabekkodu, Graciela Diaz de Delgado, Mathilde Reinle-Schmitt