Distinguished Fellow Awards
Congratulations to ICDD’s 2024 Distinguished Fellows –
Cyrus Crowder
Distinguished Fellow
The designation of Distinguished Fellow is awarded by the ICDD Board of Directors to certain members, currently recognized as Fellows, who have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Selection Process
Nominations are solicited from Fellows and Distinguished Fellows. The Distinguished Fellow Selection Committee, consisting of current Distinguished Fellows and the Awards Committee, reviews the nominations and recommends candidates to the ICDD Board of Directors.
Award Presentation
The Distinguished Fellow Award is presented at the ICDD Annual Meeting of Members in March of each year or a suitable meeting. The award consists of a commemorative plaque, and the recipient’s travel expenses to the meeting, in accordance with ICDD’s Travel Policy.
Submission Process
ICDD Fellows and Distinguished Fellows may initiate nominations by sending an explanation of why a candidate should be considered for the award to The Corporate Secretary at corpsec@icdd.com. The deadline for initiating a nomination is 1 September. After a nomination is initiated, the Awards Committee Chairman will provide instructions for full nominations, including what to address in the nomination statement and seconds to the nomination. A deadline for completed nominations will be provided.
Chairman, ICDD Awards Committee
c/o The Corporate Secretary
International Centre for Diffraction Data
12 Campus Boulevard
Newtown Square Corporate Campus
Newtown Square, PA 19073-3273 USA
Fax: 610.325.9823
Email: corpsec@icdd.com
Email: awards@icdd.com
Ludo Frevel Scholarship
DXC Awards
Nominations must be initiated by 1 September for the next year’s award.
- Cyrus Crowder
- J. Miguel Delgado
- Xiaolong Chen
- Susan Quick
- Tim Fawcett
- Scott Misture
- David F. Rendle
- Catharine Foris
- David Taylor
- Winnie Wong-Ng
- Raymond Goehner**
- Andrew Roberts
- John Faber
- Evgeny Antipov
- Tom Blanton
- Jeffrey Dann
- Peter Wallace
- Brian O'Connor
- James Kaduk
- Daniel Louër
- Gerald G. Johnson, Jr
- Ting Huang**
- Camden Hubbard
- Gregory McCarthy
- Robert L. Snyder**
- W. Frank McClune**
- Ron Jenkins**
- Melvin H. Mueller**
- Walter Eysel**
- Jan W. Visser**
- Pieter M. de Wolff**
- Larry D. Calvert**
- Yoshio Takeuchi**
- Jesse W. Caum**
- Mary E. Mrose**
- Benjamin Post**
- Sigmund Weissman**
- Ludo K. Frevel**
- Howard F. McMurdie**
- Arthur J.C. Wilson**
- William L. Fink**
- J. Donald Hanawalt**

2024 Distinguished Fellow Award – Cyrus Crowder
ICDD Emeritus, USA
Honoring his long and meritorious service to the ICDD, as well as the international powder diffraction community, as a Lead Instructor at the XRD Courses; Chair of the Micro and Meso Subcommittee; Member of the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Committee, and also in recognition for his long history of excellent scientific contributions furthering ICDD’s Powder Diffraction File

2023 Distinguished Fellow Award – J. Miguel Delgado
Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
With great pleasure, the ICDD Board of Directors announces that J. Miguel Delgado, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela, has been named a 2023 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a current Fellow who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Dr. Delgado has served over 30 years as the ICDD Technical Co-Chair for the Latin America Region. Since the late 1980s, he has been instrumental in presenting the ICDD to Latin America and also introducing key scientists from Latin America to the ICDD. Miguel has effectively networked the ICDD with other Latin American organizations such as SARX (Latin American Conference of Analysis by X-ray Techniques), LACA (Latin America Crystallographic Association) and the IMRC (International Materials Research Congress).
Dr. Delgado has made significant contributions to the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) and has been a Grant-in-Aid recipient for almost a decade. His PDF submissions, both as a grantee and author, cover a wide breadth in materials and materials analyses that include single crystal analyses, powder diffraction, and structure determination from powder diffraction. He has authored several publications in the Powder Diffraction Journal and has served as an editor for the ICDD journal since 2001.
Dr. Delgado has participated in many ICDD Membership Committees and Subcommittees, most notably, Grant-in-Aid, Long Range Planning, and Membership, as well as Board position, Director-at-Large. Miguel’s many decades of contributions to ICDD are extensive and impactful, and we recognize his outstanding service.

2023 Distinguished Fellow Award – Xiaolong Chen
Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China
With great pleasure, the ICDD Board of Directors announces that Xiaolong Chen, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, People’s Republic of China, has been named a 2023 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a current Fellow who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Dr. Chen has had a major impact in linking the X-ray community in China with ICDD. He serves as ICDD’s Technical Co-Chair for the People’s Republic of China, organizing several meetings and workshops in the region that promote the use of PDF databases and JADE® software. Xiaolong has actively worked to help assimilate ICDD relationships in China and lower cultural barriers.
Professor Chen has been a long-time contributor to the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF) as a Grant-in-Aid recipient, with major contributions in the area of semiconductors and electronic materials. He has been a grantee for over 20 years and contributed hundreds of patterns. His influence in China has resulted in Institute of Physics colleagues and Ph.D. students also becoming Grant-in-Aid participants. In addition, he is also a long-time Editor for the Powder Diffraction Journal.
Dr. Chen previously served as an ICDD Board member as Vice-Chairman. His contributions were important, particularly in helping to guide ICDD in China and the international community. He was instrumental in helping to establish an ICDD representative office in China to help with promoting ICDD products and reaching universities in China with the ICDD mission of high-quality diffraction data. He is an invaluable contributor to ICDD, and we thank him for his service.

2022 Distinguished Fellow Award – Susan Quick
Honoring her long and meritorious service to the ICDD for over three decades.
With great pleasure, ICDD awarded the 2022 Distinguished Fellow Award to Dr. Susan Quick of The Pennsylvania State University. Sue was recognized for her many distinguished contributions for over 30 years to the quality, content, coverage, and usefulness of the Powder Diffraction File™, in particular the Zeolite Subfile.
Since becoming a member in 1991, Sue has contributed to the ICDD in various ways. For her sustained meritorious service, she was honored in 2002 by being named a Fellow. She currently chairs the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Committee, a role she’s held since 2009. Most notably, Sue was instrumental in setting up the XRD Clinics, initially at Penn State, and then at ICDD. She has participated as an instructor for nearly 30 years and still continues to teach at the clinics today.

2021 Distinguished Fellow Award – Dr. Tim Fawcett, Emeritus, ICDD
At the 2021 ICDD Virtual Spring Meetings held in March 2021, Tim Fawcett was honored by being named an ICDD “Distinguished Fellow”. Through this award, the ICDD Board of Directors honored Tim’s well-demonstrated, long, and meritorious service to ICDD, dating back to the early 1980s.
During his tenure in Dow’s Analytical Sciences Laboratory beginning in the early 80s, Tim became involved with ICDD and organized several studies on X-ray powder diffraction methods. One of those studies focused on sample preparation methods, and another on round-robin studies of systematic errors found in routine X-ray diffraction raw data. Tim also served as a member of the ICDD Board of Directors for the term 1986-88.
Tim’s most significant ICDD contributions were those in his role as ICDD’s Executive Director, from 2001 to 2017. During that time, Tim directed the ICDD through a significant growth period centered around collaborative efforts with other database organizations. The successful PDF-4 product line was launched, has grown, and continues to be the standard for powder XRD databases. Tim also helped to develop total pattern analysis methods and data mining techniques. He contributed to ICDD’s education charter by teaching in many clinics, symposia, and workshops, focusing on materials identification and analysis.
In his current role as an ICDD Emeritus, Tim continues to be a technical leader and contributor to the field of XRD and ICDD. Today, he is Chair of the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee, an ICDD XRD Clinic instructor, as well as the author of many technical contributions to Powder Diffraction Journal in both XRD and XRF fields. Long and meritorious service is exemplified in Tim’s numerous contributions over four decades, contributions from which ICDD continues to benefit today.

2020 Distinguished Fellow Award – Professor Scott Misture
With great pleasure, the ICDD Board of Directors announces that Scott T. Misture, Inamori Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Alfred University, is the 2020 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a current Fellow who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Scott’s ICDD participation began in 1997 after his postdoctoral fellowships at Siemens Corporate Research, Munich, and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, when he joined the faculty at Alfred. Over the next nine years, he demonstrated his leadership and organizational talents with numerous task groups, subcommittees and the Technical Committee. In 2006, he was elected a Director-at-Large of the ICDD Board of Directors and continued on the Board for 14 years in a series of positions: Chair of the Technical Committee, Board Chairman, and Past-Chairman. Scott has also been a member of the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee for the last 18 years.
Scott is a Principal Editor of the Journal of Materials Research for in-situ diffraction and electronically-active ceramics, and has served in leadership positions (Secretary, Vice Chair, Chair Elect and Chair) of the Basic Sciences Division of the American Ceramic Society. He has a long publication list and is conducting leading-edge research in an array of high-tech materials using not only laboratory X-rays but also synchrotron and neutron probes. His recent work has focused on the effects of oxygen partial pressure and humidity on structure, phase stability, and conductivity in oxygen and cation conducting ceramics. Current work is focused on various components of solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) including the cathode and anode, and his related work on understanding defects in layered and 2-D oxides is aimed at applications including charge storage, catalysis, and photochemical water splitting.

2019 Distinguished Fellow Award – Dr. David F. Rendle
With great pleasure, the ICDD Board of Directors recognized David Rendle, of Cranfield University, UK, as the 2019 Distinguished Fellow, at this year’s Annual Meeting of Members. This award is given to a current Fellow who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD and for David, that service dates back to 1987!
David is well known in the community as an expert forensic scientist, spending the majority of his career working in the London Metropolitan Police Forensic Science Laboratory and the Forensic Science Service. He has authored 65+ publications and has written, by invitation, a chapter on Forensic Applications of X-ray Powder Diffraction for the forthcoming International Tables for Crystallography, Volume H: Powder Diffraction.
Introduced to the ICDD by Ron Jenkins back in 1987, David began contributing patterns of pigments and dyes to the PDF®, and later served as a Grant recipient for several years, supplying high quality powder patterns of organic compounds. To date, he has submitted over 115 patterns to the PDF®!
David’s first official ICDD role was in 1996 when he chaired the Organic & Forensic Subcommittee. For over two decades, he has continued to be actively involved in ICDD activities and served (and in many cases, still serves!) the Centre in many capacities, including:
- Chairman of Organic & Forensic (now Organic & Pharmaceutical) Subcommittee (1996-1998). Task Group leader of Merck Index Project, aimed at extracting and listing names of compounds whose XRD patterns should be obtained for inclusion in the database.
- Board of Directors: Member/Director-at-Large, serving the terms 1998-2000 and 2000-2004.
- Consulting Editor for the PDF-4/Organics database (2002 – present).
- Regional Co-Chair representing the United Kingdom and Ireland (2008-2017).
- Long-time member of the Membership Committee (2008-2017).
- Referee for ICDD’s journal Powder Diffraction.
- Current Member of the Bylaws and Grant-in-Aid Committees.
As ICDD’s UK Ambassador, David managed the ICDD Booth at the annual British Crystallographic Association Spring Meetings for many, many years. He also manned the ICDD Booth at other scientific meetings including the Triennial Meeting of the International Association of Forensic Sciences (IAFS), and the 21st International Conference on the Chemistry of the Organic Solid State (ICCOSS) in Oxford, UK.
2018 Distinguished Fellow Award – Catharine Foris
The 2018 ICDD Spring Meeting provided the ideal venue for the Board of Directors to honor two ICDD Fellows by naming them as ICDD Distinguished Fellows. This award was established to further recognize Fellows who have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. During the Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, 15 March 2018, ICDD’s Chairman, Matteo Leoni, had the pleasure of announcing the newest recipients of this prestigious award: Catharine Foris, formerly of DuPont, Wilmington, Delaware, and David Taylor, formerly of the Pilkington Group, UK.
Catharine’s long and meritorious service began in 1975 when she served on several Technical Task Groups, Subcommittees, and Committees. In 1977, she became an official ICDD member (then known as JCPDS). Catharine became heavily involved in the Centre’s activities was elected to the board of Directors and then served as Treasurer of the ICDD. Her contributions as Treasurer were to establish the financial direction, accountability and transparency for the organization for years to come. Over her 40+ years of service, Catharine continued to contribute to the ICDD in many ways.
One of her most notable achievements is her work on the various Bylaws revisions that occurred in the 1980s and ‘90s. Catharine was also one of the developers and co-presenters of the first XRD Workshop at the Denver X-ray Conference. ICDD later published the workbook developed for this workshop, used it in succeeding educational events, and offered it as an ICDD product, the ICDD Educational Package.
Over her more than 40 years of association, Catharine served the ICDD in many capacities, and even today, remains an active ICDD member. She shares her technical expertise with the ICDD through her work with the Metals & Alloys and Organic Task Groups.

David Taylor (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Matteo (right)
2018 Distinguished Fellow Award – David Taylor
The 2018 ICDD Spring Meeting provided the ideal venue for the Board of Directors to honor two ICDD Fellows by naming them as ICDD Distinguished Fellows. This award was established to further recognize Fellows who have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. During the Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, 15 March 2018, ICDD’s Chairman, Matteo Leoni, had the pleasure of announcing the newest recipients of this prestigious award: Catharine Foris, formerly of DuPont, Wilmington, Delaware, and David Taylor, formerly of the Pilkington Group, UK.
Current Fellow, David Taylor, was also named as an ICDD Distinguished Fellow. Dave became a member in 1999 and quickly became involved in many ICDD activities. He served as a member of the Board of Directors and also as a member of several Committees of the Board. Dave helped bring the awareness of XRF as a complementary technique to ICDD and was instrumental in creating the first XRF Subcommittee. Dave served as Regional Co-Chair for the UK and Ireland for many years. In that capacity, he attended many meetings, particularly the British Crystallographic Association meetings, and hosted many PDF Workshops in that region as an ICDD representative and ambassador.
Dave’s most notable contributions emanated from his role as ICDD Treasurer, in which he served for 10 years. He continued to remain active in similar capacities as Chair of the Budget and Review Subcommittee, and currently serves as Chair of the Marketing Committee.

Winnie Wong-Ng (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Matteo Leoni (right)
2017 Distinguished Fellow Award – Dr. Winnie Wong-Ng
ICDD’s Board of Directors awarded Dr. Winnie Wong-Ng, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the Distinguished Fellow Award at the 2017 ICDD Spring Meetings. This award is given to a member, currently recognized as an ICDD Fellow, who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. Congratulations to Dr. Wong-Ng!
Since 1981 when she became ICDD’s X-ray Crystallographer and Critical Review Scientist, Dr. Wong-Ng has made major contributions to the ICDD and powder diffraction. Her distinguished efforts were critical in the building of the computerized version of the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF®). Upon completion of the review of over 35,000 PDF patterns in 1985, she became a guest scientist at National Bureau of Standards, and then a staff member at NIST, where she has produced an extensive list of publications and presentations in the field of materials related to thermoelectrics, carbon mitigation, high T-c superconductors, microwave, ferroelectrics, and magnetics. High quality X-ray diffraction data and property measurements of hundreds of compounds have been published by Dr. Wong-Ng. In addition, she has co-authored over 300 papers and nearly as many presentations. This work has led to over 800 XRD reference patterns being published in the PDF.
Dr. Wong-Ng’s contributions extend beyond those to ICDD. She has been recognized for her sustained service to other organizations including the American Ceramic Society, American Crystallographic Association, and US National Committee for Crystallography.
Dr. Wong-Ng became an ICDD member in 1988, received the McMurdie Award in 2004, received the ICDD Distinguished Fellow Award in 2017, and served as chair and member of various ICDD Committees, Subcommittees, and Task Groups. She was a member of the ICDD Board of Directors from 2010 to 2014 and is currently a significant contributor as an editor for the Powder Diffraction Journal.
Dr. Wong-Ng’s outstanding career has been widely recognized.
Congratulations, Dr. Wong-Ng, on receiving this prestigious honor!

2016 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Ray Goehner
The 2016 ICDD Spring Meetings provided the ideal venue for the Board of Directors to honor two existing ICDD Fellows by naming them as 2016 Distinguished Fellows. This award was established to further recognize Fellows who have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. During the Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, 17 March 2016, ICDD’s Chairman, Scott Misture, had the pleasure of announcing the newest recipients of this prestigious award: Ray Goehner, formerly of Sandia National Labs and Andy Roberts, formerly of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Although Ray Goehner was unable to attend the meeting in person, he was able to watch the live video stream of the meeting. Scott commended Ray’s many contributions, not only to ICDD, but also to the Denver X-ray Conference®, over the span of nearly forty years.
Ray joined the ICDD in 1979 and became an integral part of the organization in a short time, remaining engaged until after his retirement in 2012. Ray tirelessly supported ICDD in various roles, including Search/Match Methods Subcommittee Chairman, Chairman of the Technical and Meeting Support Committees, and North American Regional Co-chairman. Ray served on the ICDD Board of Directors as Director-at-large, and also as Vice Chairman.
At a time when ICDD was contemplating the integration of electron diffraction simulations into its software, Ray facilitated this project and served as the first chairman of the Electron Diffraction Subcommittee. Ray’s expertise in the area of electron backscatter diffraction and analysis of Kikuchi patterns was critical in developing electron diffraction simulations in the PDF-4 database.
Ray strongly supported the Denver X-ray Conference where he organized many workshops and chaired numerous sessions. In sharing his knowledge and expertise, he inspired many new generations to do the same. Ray also received the esteemed Hanawalt Award in 2001, along with his colleague Joe Michael, also of Sandia National Labs, for his work on phase identification using electron backscatter diffraction in the SEM.
Congratulations Ray, on receiving this well-deserved award!

Andy Roberts (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Scott Misture (right)
2016 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Andrew Roberts
The 2016 ICDD Spring Meetings provided the ideal venue for the Board of Directors to honor two existing ICDD Fellows by naming them as 2016 Distinguished Fellows. This award was established to further recognize Fellows who have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. During the Annual Meeting of Members on Thursday, 17 March 2016, ICDD’s Chairman, Scott Misture, had the pleasure of announcing the newest recipients of this prestigious award: Ray Goehner, formerly of Sandia National Labs and Andy Roberts, formerly of the Geological Survey of Canada.
Andy Roberts was honored with the Distinguished Fellow award. The quality of the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF®), particularly the Minerals and Metals & Alloys entries, has been significantly improved due to Andy’s extensive contributions.
For over three decades, Andy has served as a very active member of the Minerals and Metals & Alloys Editorial Task Groups. As a world renowned expert in minerals nomenclature, Andy has reviewed all mineral entries in the PDF, prior to publication, and also added information on mineral location. As a participant on the Metals & Alloys Task Group, Andy contributes his expertise by performing Pearson Symbol Code reviews and assigning structure prototypes. In addition, Andy has served ICDD as a Consulting/Contributing Editor of the Powder Diffraction File.
Collectively, Andy’s efforts, many of which are volunteer efforts, have enhanced the quality of the PDF, allowing ICDD to continue as the world center for quality diffraction data. His dedication to serving the ICDD, as well as the scientific community as a whole, is evident in his tireless efforts. Andy is also a recipient of the 2012 McMurdie Award, when he was similarly acknowledged for his extensive ICDD contributions.
Congratulations Andy! Thank you for your service!

John Faber (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Scott Misture (right)
2015 Distinguished Fellowship Award – John Faber
ICDD’s Board of Directors awarded the Distinguished Fellow Award to John Faber of Faber Consulting Inc. at the 2015 ICDD Spring Meetings. John served the ICDD initially as an employee, then upon retirement, as member scientist, member of the Board of Directors, and as a consultant. His work with the ICDD spans four decades and he has made fundamental contributions to database science and diffraction education.
After a career working in the diffraction laboratories at Argonne National Laboratory, AMOCO, and the University of Illinois, John joined the ICDD. He served the ICDD as Principal Scientist from 1997 to 2007. In this role, he led a team of specialists in developing new products based on relational database (RDB) technology, including conversion from existing data structures, security and licensing, and utilization of web-based e-commerce. John was also responsible for creating WebPDF-4+ for internet access to the PDF-4+ database.
Some of John’s further accomplishments include the creation of in-house expertise to calculate powder patterns from other database compilations, and development of on-the-fly technology for digitized patterns. During his tenure, the population of entries in the PDF-2 database using calculated pattern technology doubled as a result of collaborations with ICSD and Cambridge Structural Database. He developed software programs that provide viewer and search indexing functions in the new RDBs, and implemented security and registration processes. John served as the Director of ICDD’s educational programs for many years, and also as a participant on all technical committees of the ICDD. Upon his retirement from ICDD, he became an ICDD member and later served on the Board of Directors as a Director-at-large from 2008 to 2012.
Today, John serves as the Faculty Chairman for ICDD’s Rietveld Analysis course, and for the last three years, has been developing neutron powder diffraction analysis software for the PDF-4 family of databases. This new capability for continuous wavelength neutron diffraction was released in 2014. John is developing time-of-flight analysis capabilities for future releases.

Evgeny Antipov (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Scott Misture (right)
2014 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Evgeny Antipov
Confirming his immense contributions to the ICDD, Dr. Evgeny Antipov, Moscow State University, received the 2014 Distinguished Fellow Award. The title of Distinguished Fellow may be bestowed upon members, who are currently recognized as Fellows, and have given long and meritorious service to the ICDD. We are pleased to add Dr. Antipov to the prestigious group of scientists who have been named as Distinguished Fellows, and in doing so, thank him for his dedication and continuing service.
In that same year, Dr. Antipov was also awarded the 2014 McMurdie Award. This award is given to recognize distinguished work, which improves the Powder Diffraction File™ in its purpose of identifying and characterizing materials. Dr. Antipov was recognized for his many significant contributions over the last two decades to the quality, content, coverage, and usefulness of the Powder Diffraction File™, in particular, the Ceramics Subfile.
In addition, his renowned role as an ICDD Ambassador to the Eastern European community has been instrumental in fostering collaborations and advancing the XRD discipline. In this role, Dr. Antipov promoted the Powder Diffraction File™ and ICDD organization as a whole, through educational workshops and the Grant-in-Aid Program.

Tom Blanton (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Scott Misture (right)
2013 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Tom Blanton
ICDD’s Board of Directors awarded Thomas Blanton the Distinguished Fellow Award at the 2013 ICDD Spring Meetings. This award is given to a member who has given dedicated and meritorious service to the ICDD. Tom’s involvement with ICDD goes back to the 1990’s.
He has served and continues to serve in our most important leadership positions. Besides chairing a number of committees and subcommittees, he has held the following positions: Member-at-Large of the Board of Directors, 1992-1998 and 2004-2008, and Chairman of the Board of Directors 2008-2012. During his time as Chairman, ICDD has seen significant growth in the Powder Diffraction File. He is a member of the Denver X-ray Conference Organizing Committee and co-editor of Advances in X-ray Analysis.
Tom has freely shared his knowledge and expertise over the last two decades, through his volunteer efforts within the ICDD, including an instructor at the ICDD X-ray powder diffraction clinics and workshops. Tom is an internationally-recognized scientist, an author of over 100 publications, and he has given of his time for further developments at the ICDD.

2012 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Jeffery Dann
This year, the Board of Directors recognized Jeffrey Dann, as the 2012 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a member who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Jeffrey N. Dann has been a member of the ICDD for 34 years, and during that time, has contributed to both the quantity and quality of the Powder Diffraction File. Since joining in 1978, Jeff has served ICDD in various capacities: Chairman of the Target Systems for Technical Activity Subcommittee; Chairman of the Metals and Alloys Subcommittee; member of the Grant-in-Aid Committee; Chairman of the Bylaws Committee, and Director-at-Large on the Board of Directors. Also, Jeff has made extensive contributions to other subcommittees, such as, Ceramics, Database, Diffraction Methods, Organics and Editorial.
Jeff is a part of the Metals and Alloys Task Group which is responsible for editing the Metals and Alloys Subfile, assigning Pearson Symbol Codes, implementing prototype structures, designating patterns as “primary” or “alternate,” and enhancing the quality of the Metal and Alloys entries in the PDF. His work has invaluably enhanced the quality of the data in the PDF so much that, in 2008, Jeff received the McMurdie Award for his contributions.

2012 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Peter Wallace
This year, the Board of Directors recognized Peter Wallace, as the 2012 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a member who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Peter Wallace was one of the original members of the Metals and Alloys Task Group, and primary author of the Metals and Alloys Indexes, published in 1992. He was instrumental in developing criteria for the designation of “primary” vs. “alternate” for Metals and Alloys phases in the calculated patterns from LPF and ICSD. Pete was involved in the implementation of Pearson Symbol Codes and prototype structures in the PDF and related software. Pete’s contributions as Consulting Editor of the PDF are thorough and meticulous, which greatly enhance the quality of the PDF.
Pete’s four decades of editorial contributions to the Metals and Alloys products were recognized in 2006 when he received the McMurdie Award.

2011 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Brian O’Connor
This year, the Board of Directors recognized Brian O’Connor, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia as the 2011 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a member who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Over the years, Brian has contributed his expertise to the ICDD, while building a distinguished career within the powder diffraction and crystallographic communities. He has been a member of ICDD since 1983, and has held several positions in the organization including: member of the Board of Directors, Vice-Chairman, and Regional Co-chair for the Indian Ocean Rim. As Co-chair, Brian actively worked with affiliated groups and associations in Australia, Malaysia and India. He established cooperative relationships between the ICDD and groups such as the AXAA – Australian X-ray Analysis Association, IUCr – International Union of Crystallography, and the Australian Academy of Science. Additionally, he participated in various ICDD workshops and exhibitions held at these venues as well as others in his region.
With over forty years of experience in both single crystal and powder diffraction studies, Brian has made significant research and development contributions to the scientific community. He is known for his advancements in the expansion of modern X-ray and neutron diffraction analysis, including applications of Rietveld crystallographic metrology for material characterization and development of advanced ceramic materials from Western Australian minerals. Brian has authored more than 200 publications, some of which can be found in the ICDD publications, Advances in X-ray Analysis and the journal Powder Diffraction.

Jim Kaduk (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Tom Blanton (right)
2010 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Jim Kaduk
This year, the Board of Directors recognized James Kaduk, Naperville, IL, as the 2010 Distinguished Fellow. This award is given to a member who has given long and meritorious service to the ICDD.
Both the ICDD and the X-ray diffraction community have benefitted from Dr. Kaduk’s long and distinguished career in this field. Known internationally for his leadership in structural analysis from powder diffraction and allied quantum and computational techniques, Dr. Kaduk has generously shared his knowledge and expertise over the last several decades, through his volunteer efforts within the ICDD. He has served in numerous leadership roles, as Chairman to various Committee and Subcommittees, to Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Dr. Kaduk also shared the vision and implementation, along with several other ICDD leaders, of transforming the direction of the organization by interlinking the Powder Diffraction File™ with other scientific databases. The current state of the PDF® has been greatly influenced by Dr. Kaduk’s vital contributions.

2009 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Daniel Louër
The Board of Directors proudly announced the newest ICDD member to receive the title of Distinguished Fellow, Daniel Louër. By definition, a Distinguished Fellow is one who gives long and meritorious service to the ICDD. Throughout his many, many years of contributions to the X-ray powder diffraction community and to ICDD, Dr. Louër meets the criteria with certainty. He received his award in 2010 at the ICDD Annual Meeting.
Dr. Louër’s scientific work has centered on the determination of the crystal structures of metaloxalates. He is among the pioneers in ab initio structure determination using powder data, demonstrating that this important aspect of powder diffraction was practical. Dr. Louër’s development of line profile analysis to study the defect structure of ceramic materials has accelerated the drive to total pattern analysis. His renowned indexing program, DICVOL, continues as one of the benchmark methods for assigning unit cells to powder diffraction data.
Dr. Louër formed the internationally acclaimed group, Cristallographie des Poudres et Reactivite des Solides, at the University of Rennes. He has authored more than 200 journal and book chapter publications during his more than 40 years of active involvement in the use of XRD for solid state studies.
Within the ICDD, Dr. Louër has been an active member for many, many years, serving in various capacities. He participated in the ICDD Grant-in-Aid Program, consistently submitting high-quality diffraction data for the PDF® with numbers totaling over 340. He participated in ICDD round robins, chaired committees and subcommittees, and served as a member of the Board of Directors. In 1992, he received another prestigious award, the Hanawalt Award, for his outstanding contributions in the field of powder diffraction. He continues today to serve as an active member.

2008 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Gerald G. Johnson, Jr.
Following over 45 years of service to the ICDD, Dr. Gerald G. Johnson, Jr., Emeritus, The Pennsylvania State University, was selected as the recipient of the 2008 Distinguished Fellow Award. During his association with the ICDD, Jerry served on nearly every subcommittee of the Centre and its predecessor organizations (JCPDS and ASTM). While serving on the Board of Directors’ in the positions of Chairman, Member-at-Large, and Treasurer, as well as instructor and organizer of the X-ray Clinics, Jerry was instrumental in building the successful foundation upon which the Centre continues to prosper. Perhaps his most significant contributions were made in the area of computer applications targeted at improving the efficiency and quality of the Powder Diffraction File. In fact, the algorithms established by Jerry continue to provide the basis for search/match software currently in use today.
Jerry’s acceptance speech is reproduced below, at his request.
“Jim, I would like to thank you, as Chairman, and the ICDD Board for this honor. Most of all, I would like to recognize the ICDD staff for being the glue that puts together the concepts and the data that the members create. The members are the foundation stones on which this wonderful organization has been built, but it is the staff who works the entire year to cement it all together.
I then had the opportunity to meet and work for Bill Fink and Don Hanawalt. They were the corner stones on which this organization was truly built. Bill and Don became my mentors and encouraged me to put forth my efforts of the past 46 years. I have many stories about these two founders, but will not disclose them at this time. To have the same title of ICDD Distinguish Fellow, as these two leaders, is a wonderful accomplishment.
Because of their tutoring, I have tried to pass my enthusiasm for this organization to others. I think that some of the responsibilities of every member are:
- to contribute their scientific knowledge to the ICDD
- to provide leadership on committees or the Board
- to suggest mechanisms to improve the file for the international community
- to seek out new members to carry on the traditions of the ICDD
Some of the senior members of the ICDD (such as the current Chairman, Jim Kaduk) were introduced to the ICDD through contracts with Deane Smith and myself at Penn State. New members, Prof. Lin and Prof. Kirik, were introduced to the ICDD by my travels sponsored by UNESCO and the World Bank. They have recently received the title of “ICDD Distinguished Grantee” in 2004 and 2007 respectively. I first introduced Herb Göbel, a winner of the Hanawalt Award, to the ICDD. I hope that I have planted other seeds that will blossom such as they did. I would challenge each of you, the current members, to take the personal responsibility to go out and find new members who do not simply ‘join the ICDD’, but contribute to the international community of diffractionists as these four (Kaduk, Lin, Kirik and Göbel) did! Ours is an organization of active workers, not just passive listeners!
This organization creates bonds—not chemical, but those human interactions that you will carry with you for the years to come. We should all be proud of what the ICDD has accomplished in the past since 1941, and we should look forward to what it can and will accomplish in the future through the cooperative efforts of us all. To be honored by an organization that believes so strongly in something that you believe in…it’s a great honor. Again, I humbly thank you for my new title.”
Congratulations, Jerry!

2007 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Ting Huang
At the Plenary Session of the 2007 Denver X-ray Conference, Dr. Ting C. Huang was presented the ICDD Distinguished Fellow Award. Dr. Huang’s extensive contributions to the ICDD span over 30 years. Since 1999, he served as Editor-in-Chief of Powder Diffraction; since 1988, as Editor-in-Chief of Advances in X-ray Analysis; and as a Director-at-Large of the ICDD Board of Directors during the term 2004-2008. In addition, Dr. Huang served the ICDD in many other roles including Consulting Editor of the Powder Diffraction File (1994-1996); Technical Committee Chairman (1992-1998); Consultant to the Board of Directors (1988-1992); ICDD Representative to the U.S. National Committee for Crystallography (1994-1996) and the IUCr Commission on Crystallographic Data (1992-1994), and Chairman and Member of various Board of Directors’ Committees and Technical Subcommittees. Other professional activities include Associate Editor-in-Chief of the Rigaku Journal and Co-chairman of the Organizing Committee of Denver X-ray Conference.
Dr. Huang had a very distinguished scientific career that included many advances in X-ray analysis while he was a scientist at the IBM Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. Ting was particularly well known for his expertise in the analyses of electronic materials, especially thin films, and had numerous frequently-cited publications in the field.
Among the awards recognizing his achievements were the German Alexander Von Humbolt Award for senior distinguished US scientists, the Jenkins Award for lifetime achievement in X-ray analysis, and a joint ICDD/DXCOC special recognition award for his editorial work with two international publications, Powder Diffraction and Advances in X-ray Analysis.

Camden Hubbard (left) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Jim Kaduk (right)
2006 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Dr. Camden Hubbard
At the Annual Meeting of ICDD members on March 23rd, Dr. Camden R. Hubbard was named as the 2006 Distinguished Fellow. Dr. Hubbard’s extensive contributions to the ICDD span over thirty years. Most recently, he served as Chair of ICDD Board of Directors (2000-2004), where he guided the organization into the 21st century with vision, confidence, and exemplary leadership. During his tenure, the ICDD expanded the Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF®) to a state-of-the-art database, resulting in products that provide new data mining tools for structural crystallography and materials characterization.
Dr. Hubbard served the ICDD in many other roles including Chair of the Technical Committee, Member-at-large of the ICDD Board of Directors, Chair of the Data Base Subcommittee, and member of various Board of Directors’ Committees and Technical Subcommittees. Among his most notable contributions is the expansion of the Grants-in-Aid Program to encompass global participation, resulting in an increased number of high-quality additions to the PDF and creation of the Regional Co Chair positions.
Dr. Hubbard and his collaborators at NBS (now NIST) in the 1970’s and 1980’s certified a number of Standard Reference Materials for X-ray diffraction, produced Reference Data and created the computer-aided editorial software system (NBS*AIDS83) for the evaluation of powder diffraction patterns. This software provided the foundation of a computerized database and the modernization of the editorial process. Today, this program continues to serve as a critical editorial tool at the ICDD headquarters for evaluating reference data before they enter the PDF®.
As the liaison between NBS and the ICDD Research Associateship (located at NBS), Dr. Hubbard introduced state-of-the-art techniques and software for producing many world-recognized, high-quality standard reference patterns. During those years, Dr. Hubbard played a crucial role in ensuring the success of the NBS/ICDD Research Associateship. The use of calculated patterns was also expanded and included demonstrations of using structural databases for producing large sets of calculated patterns. With coauthor Deane K. Smith, he defined the Reference Intensity Ratio and published how it could be calculated using programs such as POWD.
Today, as the group leader of the Diffraction and Thermophysical Group of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL), Dr. Hubbard is responsible for activities in residual stress measurements, in situ diffraction, and thermophysical properties. His group provides access to these facilities via the HTML User Program. He has led an extensive effort in high impact research as well as facilitating critical high temperature experiments by outside users (universities and industry). He also leads a major effort in upgrading the X-ray and neutron residual stress mapping facilities at ORNL. The construction of the spallation neutron source and upgrade of the high flux isotope reactor is critical in advancing the fundamental understanding of mechanical behavior of materials.

Greg McCarthy (right) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Jim Kaduk (right)
2005 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Gregory McCarthy
The ICDD is pleased to announce the naming of our 2005 Distinguished Fellow, Dr. Gregory J. McCarthy, North Dakota State University
Dr. Gregory J. McCarthy was named the 2005 Distinguished Fellow at the Annual Meeting of ICDD Members in March. Dr. McCarthy began his affiliation with the ICDD in 1969 and, over the last three decades, served the organization in various roles. The leadership and vision displayed in Dr. McCarthy’s historical efforts were instrumental in structuring the foundation of the modern ICDD organization, and contributed to the success that ICDD experiences today.
ICDD Activities 1969-1998
- Attended first JCPDS meeting in 1969 at ASTM Headquarters. Became active in the Technical Committee as a Grant-in-Aid recipient in 1971. For 25 years, directed a grant entitled Preparation of Reference X-ray Powder Data for Minerals, Ceramics and Common Organic Materials, January 1971 to March 1995.
- Member since 1973; Fellow since 2000.
- Appointed (by W.L. Fink) Chairman, Technical Committee in 1973 (but first had to be elected as a JCPDS member!) and served in this post from 1973-1982 (before this became an elective office) – stepped down on becoming Chairman of the BoD in 1982. Launched numerous subcommittees during 1974-76, including the Mineral, Computer, and Search/Match Subcommittees.
- Board of Directors, 1973-1990; Vice-Chairman, 1980-82; Chairman, 1982-1986; Past-Chairman, 1986-1990.
- Developed and taught (in Swarthmore,
with J.D. Hanawalt in attendance!) the first PDF Workshop in 1974. Offered the first external workshop at FACSS/Indianapolis in 1975. Wrote the first PDF Manual and led JCPDS’s first workshop at the Denver X-ray Conference in August 1976. - Chairman, Minerals and Ceramics Committee, 1988-1991; Education Committee, 1996-1998; Denver Conference Liaison Committee, 1996-1998. Instructor, “ICDD Clinic on X-ray Diffraction Analysis,” June, 1990, 1992, 1993.
- Denver X-ray Conference: Co-Chairman 27th Conference in August 1978, and 40th Conference (1991); Denver Conference Organizing Committee, 1989-1993. Co-Organizer of PICXAM (1991). Organizer and/or instructor
of Workshops on Qualitative and Quantitative X-ray Diffraction Analysis and Computer Identification Methods at the 1976-1978, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1987-1995, and 1997 Conferences. - Editor for New Diffraction Data, Powder Diffraction published by the American Institute of Physics,
New York, 1987-1997. - H.F. McMurdie Award, International Centre for Diffraction Data, 2000.
International X-ray Analysis Society, Secretary-Treasurer, Steering Committee, 1998-1999; Incorporator & Treasurer 2000-2005.
Dr. McCarthy currently serves as the Associate Vice President for Interdisciplinary Research at North Dakota State University (NDSU) and Director of the Center for Nanoscale Science and Engineering, the largest interdisciplinary research entity at NDSU.

Robert Snyder (right) accepting Distinguished Fellow award from Camden Hubbard (left)
2004 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Robert L. Snyder
The ICDD is pleased to announce the naming of our 2004 Distinguished Fellow, Dr. Robert L. Snyder, of the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA.
As an ICDD member for more than 30 years, Dr. Robert Snyder has served the organization in a wide number of ways, often with unequalled energy and vision. In addition to his service as an active member and chairman of numerous task groups, Dr. Snyder has also contributed to ICDD in his roles as Ceramic Subcommittee Chairman, Member-at-Large (1990-1994), Technical Committee Chairman (1986-1990), Chairman (1996-2000), and most recently as Past Chairman (2000-2004). In addition, he has often been referred to as the “ICDD Ambassador to the World.”
Dr. Snyder was instrumental in redirecting the vision of ICDD and establishing the goal to broaden our membership to the international community. Our current membership is nearly 350, with representation in 41 countries.
Dr. Snyder served as a key visionary in the establishment of cooperative agreements between the ICDD and crystallographic databases. He personally led negotiations with FIZ (Fachinformationszentrum), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre), and later helped to establish a collaboration with MPDS (Material Phases Data System). These collaborations have led to an explosive growth in the PDF with comprehensive coverage of calculated and experimental diffraction patterns
of the world’s materials.
Simultaneously with these efforts, Dr. Snyder continued to educate and advance the science of X-ray analysis. Since the 1980s, he has been a leader in developing programs for automation and quantitative analysis. Dr. Snyder worked for many years with Siemens to promote the use of computers in powder diffraction analysis. He has coauthored fundamental texts on X-ray powder diffractometry and analysis, and continues to lecture and educate at various scientific meetings around the world.
Congratulations to Dr. Robert Snyder, along with our sincere appreciation for his relentless energy, wisdom, and leadership in nurturing the ICDD to its current stature.

2003 Distinguished Fellowship Award – William Frank McClune
William Frank McClune (1928-2013)
The International Centre for Diffraction Data is pleased to announce that William Frank McClune (Frank) has been elected to join the ICDD list of Distinguished Fellows. Frank has been recognized by the ICDD Board of Directors for his sustained, outstanding work in the field of powder diffraction and was formally honored during the plenary of the 2003 Denver X-ray Conference.
Frank celebrates 34 years of continuous service with the ICDD, of which the most recent 20 have been served as Editor-in-Chief of the Powder Diffraction File (PDF). Frank nurtured the transition of the PDF from cards and books into the PDF-4 family of relational database products available on CD-ROM and DVD. The PDF has grown tremendously in size and technical capability due to Frank’s coordination with editorial task teams, cooperating database organizations, and the development of an extensive and rigorous editorial process.
Frank is always willing to provide assistance and has mentored dozens of ICDD employees, editors, and members of the years. Congratulations, Frank for a job well done an award well deserved!

2001 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Dr. Ron Jenkins
Dr. Jenkins studied Chemical Physics at Oxford Polytechnic Institute in England and obtained his Ph.D. from Polytechnic Institute of New York. He was a Licentiate of the Royal Institute of Chemistry, a Fellow and Chartered Physicist of the Institute of Physics, a Distinguished Fellow of the International Centre for Diffraction Data and an Honorary Member of the British Crystallographic Association.
Dr. Jenkins worked as an analytical chemist at Esso Research in Abingdon, England, and later as head of the X-ray Applications Lab for Philips Electronics in the Netherlands. He was transferred to the US in 1971 and became the Principal Scientist for Philips Electronics Instruments. In 1985 he accepted the position of Principal Scientist with the International Centre for Diffraction Data and in 1996 was appointed its Executive Director.
Dr. Jenkins was well known around the world for his contributions in the X-ray analytical science fields of spectrometry and diffractometry. He wrote 4 widely used text books on these subjects, 11 book chapters, and published about 230 scientific papers. He taught these subjects around the world to an estimated 5000 students, widely organized scientific meetings, including the Denver X-ray Conference for 30 years, established the International Journal of X-ray Spectrometry, and has received numerous awards and recognition for his work, including the Birks Award for X-ray Spectrometry and the Barrett Award for X-ray Diffraction, the only person to ever win both awards.
In addition to his technical achievements, Dr. Jenkins was a member of STURP (Shroud of Turin Research Project) and lectured over 50 times to about 6000 people regarding the artifact. His book “Closing the Gap between Science and Religion” outlines his dedication to the Christian faith. He was most recently a member of the Church of the Nazarene, where he served as Council member and Choir Director. He was also a trustee of the Eastern Nazarene College in Quincy, Massachusetts for many years.

2000 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Melvin H. Mueller
Melvin H. Mueller was named a Distinguished Fellow in 2000. His association with the ICDD goes back to its predecessor, the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards.
After retiring from Argonne National Labs, Dr. Mueller served on many committees and subcommittees, and also served on the ICDD Board of Directors from 1991 to 1995. Much of Dr. Mueller’s contributions focused on his work with the Metals and Alloys Subcommittee, keeping the Metals and Alloys Subfile up-to-date.
Further, Dr. Mueller chaired the Grants-in-Aid Committee from 1989 to 1993, a period over which the number of grant recipients, especially from overseas, increased significantly, due to his dedicated efforts. Ancillary to his own studies, many high quality powder diffraction patterns were developed that he then contributed to the Powder Diffraction File.

1989 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Walter Hans Eysel
Walter Hans Eysel (1935-1999)

1988 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Deane K. Smith
In 1952, Deane graduated from the California Institute of Technology with a bachelor’s degree in geology, and in 1956 he graduated from the University of Minnesota with a doctorate in geology. From 1956 to 1960, he was a research associate of the Portland Cement Association Fellowship at the National Bureau of Standards in Washington, DC. During the 1960s, he worked as a chemist and diffractionist in the Inorganic Materials Division of the Lawrence Radiation Laboratory in California and later as assistant section leader of the laboratory’s Properties of Materials section. In 1968, he joined Penn State University’s Department of Geosciences as an associate professor and became professor in 1971.
Deane’s long career impacted most areas of geology and powder diffraction analysis. He performed some early high-temperature experiments while at NBS as well as impacting the understanding of one of the most complex phase assemblages in materials science: Portland Cement. At Lawrence Livermore Laboratories Deane developed the first version of his powder pattern calculating program which over time has become the accepted standard for such computations. The first published major work using this early POWD program was not just a few example patterns but instead a full book-length compendium of silicate mineral patterns, written with Iris Borg and published by the Geological Society of America. Many people collaborated with Deane on the development of POWD over the years, with his son Kingsley being one of the most recent contributors to the development of the MDI PC version. Deane continued the development of quantitative analysis methods with the technique for whole-pattern quantitative analysis developed initially for clays. Deane was the prime driving force of this development. The foundations in calculation of reference powder patterns and in whole-pattern analysis proved to be a major lighthouse towards the development of modern analytical methods of X-ray analysis. In addition to these widely used methods, Deane published the well known book on Specimen Preparation with Ron Jenkins and Vic Buhrke, as well as a recent book with Frank Chung. Deane’s contributions to the literature and our craft will live long and affect generations to come. A newly discovered mineral, Deanesmithite, was named after him.
Deane was a long-time member of the ICDD, Distinguished Fellow (1995), 16-year board member, and Chairman of the Board from 1978 to 1982 and 1986 to 1990. Throughout this time Deane was a major contributor to the Minerals Subcommittee and participated in extensive editing of the new mineral patterns of the Powder Diffraction File. Deane co-founded and became the first Editor-in-Chief for the journal Powder Diffraction, a position that he held for 13 years (1986–1999).

Distinguished Fellow Award – Jan W. Visser
Dr. Jan W. Visser was named a Distinguished Fellow in 1995. Dr. Visser contributed to the ICDD in many ways over his long association with the Centre. Since the early 1960s, he produced many of the best powder diffraction patterns in the Powder Diffraction File. As such, he was uniquely qualified to serve as an editor for the Powder Diffraction Journal, a role that he assumed from 1989 to 1997.
In addition, Dr. Visser served as an ICDD ambassador through his active participation in many European meetings and workshops. In fact, he was a major influence in progressing the ICDD to become an internationally recognized organization, as the Centre for archiving and producing powder diffraction data and related activities.
Dr. Visser was an Overseas Consultant to ICDD starting in 1976. He was elected as Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors from 1990-1994 and was the first overseas member to participate on the Board. He brought insight on the needs of European diffraction community to this body.
ICDD is grateful for Dr. Visser’s many contributions.

1994 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Pieter Maarten de Wolff
Pieter Maarten de Wolff (1919-1998)

1993: Larry Calvert retired in Australia
(Courtesy Barbara Campbell).
1993 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Larry Calvert
Lauriston (Larry) Derwent Calvert (Ahmed & Le Page, 1993; Wallace & Mueller, 1993) was the son of Fred Clifford Calvert (1900-1974), a New Zealand Mining Engineer who worked mostly for tin dredging in Malaysia and for gold exploration or mining at many places in the south hemisphere, registering his son at boarding schools where possible. Larry’s pre-university education was accordingly garnered at a number of different schools, most of them in New Zealand, but it also included the Suva Boys Grammar School where he befriended sons of Fijian chiefs. At school recess time, he found employment in ordinary manual jobs, one of them cutting meat at a sheep meat-packing factory in New Zealand. He graduated in Philosophy from the University of New Zealand in Auckland. Awarded a M.Sc. and then a Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1952, with Dame Kathleen Lonsdale as external examiner, Dr. Larry Calvert became the first New-Zealander crystallographer. On that year, he came to the Division of Physics of the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) as a Research Associate with Dr Barnes (Ahmed et al., 1981). Two years later, as a staff Assistant Research Officer, he started an X-ray lab at NRC’s then new Division of Applied Chemistry, from which he retired in 1985 as a Principal Research Officer. Larry had two children, Alistair and Margaret, with his first wife Marjorie (d. 1980). He re-married in 1982 with Barbara (now Campbell). They retired at Lakes Entrance in the state of Victoria, Australia where he died in 1993, not very far from Tasmania, where he was born.
…Over the years, he accumulated a collection of thousands of photographic powder-diffraction reference patterns of intermetallic materials that is still kept at NRC. He has contributed nearly 1,300 new experimental powder patterns to the JCPDS, and then ICDD Powder Diffraction File, most of them for intermetallic materials. … (read entire obituary on ACA website)

1993 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Yoshio Takéuchi
Yoshio Takéuchi (1924-2009)

1988 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Jesse W. Caum
In 1945, Jerry joined the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), where he spent the majority of his career. Best known in the scientific community for his work in metallurgical engineering, he was an active member of several teams and societies dedicated to the formation of quality assurance programs as well as national and international standards coordination within this industry.
Jerry’s contributions to the ICDD spanned nearly 36 years. He served the organization in various capacities, including Secretary of the (then) JCPDS from 1949 to 1963; Director from 1972 to 1974 and 1976 to 1979; Vice Chairman from 1974 to 1975; Chairman from 1975 to 1976; and General Manager from 1979 to1983. He was honored for his service and numerous contributions by being named as a Distinguished Fellow in 1988.

1988 Distinguished Fellowship Award
Mary E. Mrose (1910-2003)

1988 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Ben Post
Ben Post (1911-1994)

1988 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Sigmund Weissmann
Sigmund Weissmann (died 1994)

1984 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Ludo K. Frevel
Ludo earned a doctorate in Physical Chemistry from Johns Hopkins University, followed by two years of study at the California Institute of Technology with structural chemist and Nobel laureate, Linus Pauling. He joined Dow’s Spectroscopy Laboratory in 1936, where he worked as one of Dow’s pioneer chemists for 39 years. Upon retirement, he was one of Dow’s top scientists and was the first Dow scientist to have the title Research Specialist. Until 2005, he served as a consultant to Dow Corning Corporation. He held 60 patents and authored or co-authored 446 technical papers, publishing his most recent paper at age 95.
Ludo’s work in X-ray powder diffraction and catalysis, particularly in the petrochemical industry, is known worldwide. He was also recognized for his method of purifying ethylene to make polyethylene. However, the accomplishment he was most proud of was his work on the purification of butadiene for synthetic rubber.
Ludo’s association with the ICDD spanned many decades. His pioneering work began with his vital contributions to the 1938 Hanawalt, Rinn and Frevel paper entitled, Chemical Analysis by X-ray Diffraction – Classification and Use of X-ray Diffraction Patterns, published in the Analytical Edition of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry. This work, which supplied tabulated diffraction data for 1,000 chemical substances and included the indexing and comparison methods for identifying materials, is considered by most diffractionists to be the classic work in qualitative identification of multiphase polycrystalline materials. This work directly lead to the creation of the Powder Diffraction File™, and the tabulated data were the genesis of Set 1, published in 1941.
As an active member, Ludo served the ICDD in many capacities. He published one of the first papers on the use of computers in both the searching and matching steps of crystalline phase identification. From 1978 through 1996, he assumed various leadership roles by serving as a member of the Board of Directors; as such, he performed the duties of Member-at-Large, Consultant to the Board, Chairman, and Past Chairman.
Over the years, Ludo was honored for his contributions to the X-ray analysis field as well as those to the ICDD. The ICDD established the J.D. Hanawalt Award for excellence in powder diffraction in the early 1980s; Ludo was named as the first recipient – a title well deserved! For his long and meritorious service to the ICDD, Ludo was designated as an ICDD Distinguished Fellow in 1984.
Ludo’s commitment to the education of young scientists was exemplified in his establishment of the Crystallography Scholarship Program. To encourage promising graduate students to pursue crystallographically-oriented research, he founded the Crystallography Scholarship Program in 1991. Administered by the ICDD, the program’s name was changed in 2000 to honor Ludo as its founder. In addition, Ludo contributed significantly to the scholarship fund and actively solicited funding from private and academic sectors to sustain the program. As of January 2011, the Ludo Frevel Crystallography Scholarship Program has awarded 122 scholarships totaling over $282,000.
During his lifetime, Ludo mentored many scientists especially those working in X-ray diffraction at both The Dow Chemical Company and Dow Corning. Those who had the pleasure of working with Ludo remember him for his brilliant mind and passion for science. He was always willing to teach others, share ideas, and discuss methods, with a wonderful combination of gentleness and enthusiasm.

1984 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Howard F. McMurdie
Howard F. McMurdie (1905–2004)
Howard F. McMurdie, affectionately known by friends and colleagues as Mac, received his BS in chemistry from Northwestern University, Illinois in 1928. That same year he began working at the National Bureau of Standards (NBS) in the Lime and Gypsum Section of the Clay and Mineral Products Division. He worked at NBS, now the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), for 75 years, making invaluable contributions to the X-ray community throughout.
In 1933, Mr. McMurdie was sent to Riverside, CA, to test cement used in the construction of the Boulder (now Hoover) Dam. In 1935, McMurdie returned to Washington to work in the Petrographic Laboratory, and conducted research on the phases in Portland cement, which began his lifetime interest in “Phase Diagrams.” While working at the Petrography Lab, Mr. McMurdie also invested his time in using X-ray powder diffraction for phase analysis of solids. In 1944, Mr. McMurdie was named Chief of the Crystallographic Section of NBS, a title which he held for 22 years.
Mac was one of the founding fathers of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards. Then in 1953, he established an ICDD Research Associateship in the Crystallographic Section. For nearly 30 years, this Research Associateship funded research which led to important, widely-used powder diffraction patterns.
In 1966, Mr. McMurdie officially retired from NIST/NBS, but he remained closely involved in the X-ray community for the next 38 years. He was heavily involved in the production of powder diffraction patterns, and in 1975, Mac became an Editor for Ceramic Materials of the Powder Diffraction File (PDF). He was named a Distinguished Fellow of the ICDD in 1984, and he also served as a special consultant to the ICDD Board of Directors. The ICDD named a biennial award, the McMurdie Award, to honor his tremendous contribution to the organization and the Powder Diffraction File. The award recognizes distinguished work that improves the Powder Diffraction File in its function of identifying and characterizing materials.

1984 Distinguished Fellowship Award – Arthur J.C. Wilson
Dr. Wilson attended King’s Collegiate School in Windsor, Nova Scotia from 1922 – 1930; he obtained his Masters from Dalhousie University, Halifax in 1934. He received his PhD in 1938, from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 1937, he was awarded an 1851 Exhibition Scholarship which enabled him to study at St. John’s College, Cambridge. While there, he conducted research at the Cavendish Laboratory with Sir Lawrence Bragg, who was at the time Professor of Experimental Physics. Dr. Wilson received his second PhD from St. John’s in 1942.
It was during his time in Cambridge that Dr. Wilson discovered his interest in X-ray crystallography, and began making significant contributions to the field. Dr. Wilson is known for his book X-ray Optics, which is an invaluable resource when conducting research in the field, even today. One of his papers, which was published in Nature in 1942, is frequently cited in the crystallography community. The method described in this paper later became known as the Wilson plot, which is still used for scaling intensities and estimating temperature factors.
In 1945, Dr. Wilson left Cambridge to lecture at the University College, Cardiff in the Department of Physics. He went on to become senior lecturer, Director of the Viriamu Jones Lab, Professor of Physics and eventually the Head of Department while there. Additionally, Dr. Wilson founded a school of organic crystal chemistry at Cardiff which was well-known for their work on alkaloids. While at Cardiff, Dr. Wilson and his team began submitting work to the Powder Diffraction File. Over the next 30 years, research from Cardiff continued to be submitted to the PDF.
In 1965, Dr. Wilson was named Professor of Crystallography at the University of Birmingham. While working at Birmingham, Dr. Wilson served as a Visiting Professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology in 1965, 1968 and 1971, and at the University of Tokyo in 1974.
Dr. Wilson, and his close friend from MIT, Dr. Bill Parrish, worked together in pioneering the modern powder diffractometer. After their initial success, Dr. Wilson received support from the Joint Committee for his efforts in developing a diffractometer. Dr. Wilson made significant theoretical contributions to diffractometry development; he used statistical concepts for a precise determination of the positions and breadths of diffraction line profiles.
During his career, Dr. Wilson was a member of the Joint Committee on Chemical Analysis by X-ray Diffraction as a representative of the Institute of Physics. He regularly attended the Spring and Autumn Meetings held in Philadelphia. Dr. Wilson was also involved in the formation of the British Crystallographic Association (BCA), which first met in 1982 at Durham University. Throughout his career, Dr. Wilson published over 300 papers, and held various editorial positions, such as Editor of Structure Reports, Editor of Acta Crystallographica for the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr), and Associate Editor of the Proceedings of the Royal Society. In 1984, ICDD awarded Dr. Wilson the title of Distinguished Fellow and in 1991, he received an honorary Doctor of Laws degree from Dalhousie University.

1982 Distinguished Fellowship Award – William L. Fink
William L. Fink (1896-1992)
William L. Fink attended the University of Michigan where he received his BS in Engineering (1921), Masters of Engineering (1923), and finally his PhD in Chemistry (1926). His thesis work at Michigan utilized X-ray diffraction and showed that the strengthening phase in steels and martensite was a solid solution of carbon in iron. Dr. Fink began working at the Aluminum Company of America (Alcoa) in 1925, and became Chief of the Physical Metallurgy Division in 1943.
Dr. Fink is one of the founders of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS), now the International Centre for Diffraction Data. He also served as chairman of the JCPDS in the 1960s.
Dr. Fink served on various committees and subcommittees organized by the American Society for Testing and Material (ASTM). Most notably, Fink led Subcommittee 6 on Metallography in 1925. Using the method established by J.D. Hanawalt in the historical paper, “Chemical Anaylsis by X-ray Diffraction,” Fink issued ASTM E 43-42T, Recommended Practice for Identification of Crystalline Materials by the Hanawalt X-ray Diffraction Method. He also chaired Subcommittee VI on X-ray Methods from 1938 – 1960, and Subcommittee III on Nomenclature from 1960 – 1978.
Fink is best remembered for the “Fink Method,” which he developed in the mid-1960s with W.C. Bigelow and J.V. Smith. The Fink Method, which was used for identifying unknowns using the JCPDS Fink Search Manual, lists diffraction patterns in order of decreasing “d” spacing but using eight spacings for each pattern and leaving out intensity values.
Dr. Fink received various awards, such as the ASTM Award of Merit in 1956; the CH Mathewson Award of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers; the fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science; and the ICDD Distinguished Fellow. He also published over 40 papers, and held twelve patents.

1982 Distinguished Fellowship Award – J. D. Hanawalt
J. D. Hanawalt (1902-1987)
Dr. Hanawalt received his BA from Oberlin College in 1924, his Masters in 1926 from the University of Wisconsin, and his PhD in physics, from the University of Michigan in 1929. He was a National Research Council Fellow for the Rockefeller Foundation from 1929 – 1931. Then, in 1931, he was an International Research Fellow at the University of Groninger, in the Netherlands.
After completing his education, Dr. Hanawalt began working for The Dow Chemical Company, as a physicist, in 1931. During his 33 years at The Dow Chemical Company, Dr. Hanawalt worked as Director of the Spectroscopy Lab, Director of Metallurgical Research, and headed the Magnesium Department. In addition, Dr. Hanawalt became a corporate Vice President for Dow in 1953. While working at Dow, Dr. Hanawalt distinguished himself among the scientific community with the development of a diffraction pattern classification system, which simplifies the identification of unknown crystalline substances by examination of their major X-ray diffraction lines. This later became known as the Hanawalt System and was based on the Hanawalt Index. The Hanawalt Index, which was first published by the ICDD in 1941, is still published and used today in a variety of print and electronic formats.
Dr. Hanawalt also played a large role in the development and use of magnesium. After World War II, Dr. Hanawalt led a team to Germany to study magnesium technology, industrialization and military application for the US government. Afterwards, he assisted in the creation of Dow’s developmental program, and as a result, Dow became the world leader in commercial magnesium production for several decades. Upon retirement from Dow, Dr. Hanawalt took the position of Professor of Metallurgy for the College of Engineering, at the University of Michigan. He continued to teach and work in the field of magnesium technology until his second retirement in 1972.
Dr. Hanawalt was one of the founders and a chairman of the Joint Committee on Powder Diffraction Standards (JCPDS), which later became known as the International Centre for Diffraction Data. But he is perhaps best known for his paper, “Chemical Analysis by X-ray Diffraction,” which laid the ground work for the first ASTM card file, and a method for the analysis of unknowns. The card set, which was issued in 1941, became the Powder Diffraction File (PDF) as we know it today.
Over the course of his life, Dr. Hanawalt held 30 patents and was recognized for his many accomplishments and contributions to the X-ray community. He received The Directors’ Award from the Magnesium Association, the Mathewson Gold Medal of the Institute of Metals, the gold medals of the American Society of Metals, and the American Society for Testing and Materials. Dr. Hanawalt was named a Fellow of the American Society of Metals, and a Distinguished Fellow of the ICDD.