FAIR initiative

The International Centre for Diffraction Data recently awarded a group of researchers at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), in Cape Coast, Ghana, Africa, two years of access to the PDF-5+ database and JADE® Pro software as part of the organization’s FAIR (Foundation Access to ICDD Resources) initiative. FAIR is an initiative aimed at promoting global scientific collaboration and knowledge sharing by providing free database access to selected labs worldwide. The database is a valuable resource for researchers in materials science, chemistry, and related fields as it contains information on the crystallographic properties of a vast array of materials, including minerals, metals, and polymers.

The UCC group was recommended for the initiative through collaborations with Penn State University (MRI and MATSE) and is designed with the goal in mind of both helping laboratories with current financial limitations in acquiring the database and analysis software and in developing collaborations with groups and researchers in Africa.

In addition to general access to the database, the ICDD will assist with training in data mining using PDF-5+ and phase identification using JADE Pro to foster a more collaborative and inclusive scientific community where all researchers have equal opportunities to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and innovation, regardless of their financial resources or geographic location. Ultimately, the goal is a collaboration between researchers at all organizations (UCC, PSU, ICDD) and the publication of research results in Powder Diffraction Journal. After two years of free access, the UCC can purchase the database at a reduced renewal rate.

Dr. Samuel Tetteh, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at UCC, is the lead researcher and recipient of the database and software licenses.

For more information on the FAIR initiative, please contact ICDD’s Corporate Secretary, Denise Zulli, at corpsec@icdd.com

Cape Coast
University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana, Africa
Dr. Samuel Tetteh
Dr. Samuel Tetteh, Department of Chemistry at UCC
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