ICDD Education
International Centre for Diffraction Data
12 Campus Boulevard • Newtown Square, PA 19073
Spring 2026
XRD I: 2 – 6 June 2025
XRD II: 9 – 13 June 2025
22 – 26 September 2025
Why Choose the ICDD Training Courses?
For over 75 years, the International Centre for Diffraction Data has been providing the utmost quality powder diffraction data to scientists. As a non-profit corporation, we are dedicated to collecting, editing and publishing the world famous Powder Diffraction File™ (PDF)®. Through worldwide symposia, workshops, training courses, and the industry’s leading conference, the Denver X-ray Conference, we hold true to our mission to promote the application of materials characterization methods and to provide a forum for the exchange of new ideas and cutting-edge knowledge in this field.
The purpose of the ICDD training courses is to teach both theoretical knowledge and practical applications of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF) and X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD). Instructors have extensive experience in the field and are specially selected from academia, government, and industry to deliver the best of theory and practice. The focus on practical applications, hands-on experience, and intense personal instruction differentiates ICDD courses from other training classes. Each course utilizes a team of instructors representing a range of expertise to meet your training needs.
Who Should Attend
- Lab personnel who wish to improve their analysis skills
- The academic sector currently developing a program or curriculum in XRD or XRF
- Graduate students who wish to gain knowledge in either XRD or XRF theoretical and practical applications
- XRD and XRF field professionals seeking to sharpen analysis skills
- Those who wish to share experiences, knowledge and ideas with peers working in the XRD or XRF field
- Those with questions they wish to discuss with our team of experts
“Excellent course. An opportunity to interact with XRF expert practitioners. Another advantage and resource is the participants who come from many different industries with differing expertise.”
“This course was very informative. I have learned so much about the techniques of sample prep and the understanding of the theory behind the use of the XRF and data analysis. I would recommend this course to anyone of all levels of XRF use.”
X-ray Fluorescence Course
During the past five decades, the use of X-ray analytical methods has increased in the areas of materials characterization and phase identification. The wide range of applicability of the X-ray fluorescence method has made it a technique employed in thousands of laboratories all over the world.
Over the years, many techniques and procedures have been developed that greatly enhance the versatility of the method. The purpose of the X-ray course is to combine theoretical and practical applications of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry. The course is presented in a week-long session and is directed to both relative newcomers in the field and to more experienced users wishing to broaden their understanding of fundamental concepts and established procedures. The major emphases are the acquisition of reliable experimental data and qualitative phase identification using manual search techniques, and computer-based methods of qualitative and quantitative phase analysis.
The format of the class is a combination of morning lectures and afternoon recitations and workshops. Ample opportunity for individual student-faculty interaction exists throughout the week, including small recitation and workshop groups and a session where students can discuss their applications and problems with the entire faculty.
X-ray Powder Diffraction Courses
During the past seven decades, the use of X-ray analytical methods has seen continued growth in the areas of materials characterization and phase identification. Over the years, the development of procedures, techniques, and advanced equipment have greatly enhanced the versatility of the method.
The purpose of the XRD course is to provide participants with a fundamental understanding of the theoretical basis as well as the practical application and implementation of powder diffractometry in today’s laboratory.  This knowledge and understanding is applicable whether the attendee works in academia, industry, or government laboratory, or whether they are a student, professor, researcher, or analyst.
Session I
Fundamentals of X-ray Powder Diffraction is directed to both relative newcomers in the field and to more experienced users wishing to broaden their understanding of fundamental concepts and established procedures. The major emphases of Fundamentals of X-ray Powder Diffraction are the acquisition of reliable experimental data and qualitative phase identification using both manual and automated search techniques.
Session II
Advanced Methods in X-ray Powder Diffraction, is designed for the experienced user and focuses on computer-based methods of qualitative and quantitative phase analysis, as well as crystal structure analysis and refinement. For maximum benefit from the Advanced Methods in X-ray Powder Diffraction, the ICDD Course faculty strongly recommends that students have previously attended Session I.
The format of the class is a combination of morning lectures and afternoon recitations and workshops. Ample opportunity for individual student-faculty interaction exists throughout each week, including small recitation and workshop groups and a session where students can discuss their applications and problems with the entire faculty.
“What great opportunities to interact and learn from the world renowned scientists in powder diffraction filed! A must for anyone who is working on any materials characterization using XRD!”
“It was a great course with expert instructors who provided great one-on-one help!”
“Incredibility beneficial. As a new user to Rietveld, who lacked experience with programs other than HighScore, this course has proved very useful!”
“It was a very interesting course with a very experienced and knowledgeable faculty!”
Rietveld Refinement & Indexing Course
Powder pattern Indexing and Rietveld structural refinement techniques are complementary and are often combined to determine the structure of a material. Successful indexing of a powder pattern is considered strong evidence for phase purity. Indexing (with derived space group and lattice symmetry determinations) is considered a prelude to determining the crystal structure, and permits phase identification by lattice matching techniques. The Rietveld method is used to refine crystal structures and is perhaps best considered whole- pattern-fitting structure refinement, i.e., we must account not only for the crystal structure but also the instrumental resolution and diffraction physics effects (e.g., crystallite size and strain). The aim is to perform quantitative phase analysis and identification.
This course introduces the theory and formalisms of various indexing methods and structural refinement techniques. One unique aspect of this course is the extensive use of computer laboratory problem-solving and exercises that teach method development in a hands-on environment. We will use GSAS-II for the Rietveld laboratory work; Dicvol, Treor and FULLPROF Suite and JADE interfaces will be used for indexing exercises.
The format of the class is a combination of morning lectures and afternoon computer lab exercises. Ample opportunity for individual student-faculty interaction exists throughout the week.Â
Employees from some of the nation’s most prominent businesses, corporations, government agencies, laboratories and academic institutions participate in the ICDD’s courses:
- Boeing
- Boliden Mineral AB (Sweden)
- Bristol-Myers Squibb
- Bruker Nano
- Duke Energy
- Eastman Kodak Company
- ExxonMobil
- Georgia Institute of Technology
- IBM Microelectronics
- IODP at Texas A&M University
- Oregon State University
- Oxford Instruments
- Malvern Panalytical
- Pennsylvania State University
- Rigaku Americas Corp.
- Sandia National Lab.
- SPEX SamplePrep LLC
- U.S. Customs & Border Protection
- ZS Pharma