NIST XRD SRM Powder Diffraction Journal Publications

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Black, D. R., Mendenhall, M. H., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2020). Certification of SRM 640f line position and line shape standard for powder diffraction. Powder Diffraction, 35(3), 156–159.

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Black, D. R., Mendenhall, M. H., Brown, C. M., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2020). Certification of Standard Reference Material 660c for powder diffraction. Powder Diffraction, 35(1), 17–22.

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Black, D. R., Mendenhall, M. H., Whitfield, P. S., Brown, C. M., Henins, A., Filliben, J. J., & Cline, J. P. (2018). Certification of Standard Reference Material 1879b respirable cristobalite. Powder Diffraction, 33(3), 202–208.

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Black, D. R., Windover, D., Mendenhall, M. H., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2015). Certification of Standard Reference Material 1976B. Powder Diffraction, 30(3), 199–204.

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Black, D. R., Mendenhall, M. H., Whitfield, P. S., Windover, D., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2016). Certification of standard reference material 1878b respirable α-quartz – CORRIGENDUM. Powder Diffraction, 31(4), 304–304.

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Black, D. R., Mendenhall, M. H., Whitfield, P. S., Windover, D., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2016). Certification of standard reference material 1878b respirable α-quartz. Powder Diffraction, 31(3), 211–215.

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Cline, J. P., Leoni, M., Black, D., Henins, A., Bonevich, J. E., Whitfield, P. S., & Scardi, P. (2013). Crystalline domain size and faulting in the new NIST SRM 1979 zinc oxide. Powder Diffraction, 28(S2), S22–S32.

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Black, D. R., Windover, D., Henins, A., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2011). Certification of Standard Reference Material 660B. Powder Diffraction, 26(2), 155–158.

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Black, D. R., Windover, D., Henins, A., Gil, D., Filliben, J., & Cline, J. P. (2010). Certification of NIST Standard Reference Material 640d. Powder Diffraction, 25(2), 187–190.

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