ICDD Technical Committee & Subcommittees
Technical Committee
The Technical Committee shall be responsible for the following:
- Recommendations relating to the editorial functions of the ICDD.
- Recommendations regarding the administration and functioning of the technical editors.
- Recommendations on the collection and editing of data, search manuals, etc.
- Recommendations on the preparation of new and corrected data.
- Recommendations on preparation of disks, etc., involving the ICDD database or search programs.
- Recommendations regarding preparation of sections of the database aimed at specific areas of technology (subfiles).
- Recommendations on ICDD-sponsored research and development, education and training.
- Intersociety cooperation.

Members can sign up for Technical Subcommittees by emailing Denise Zulli – zulli@icdd.com
Subcommittees of the Technical Committee Mission Statements
Ceramics Subcommittee
Chair: Theo Siegrist
The Ceramics Subcommittee shall be responsible for (1) identifying ceramic compounds in the PDF, (2) organizing the ceramic subfile into minifiles according to their functions and properties, and (3) assuring the relevance and quality of the present and future data to meet the need of the user community.
Metals and Alloys Subcommittee
Chair: Claudio Aguilar
The Metals and Alloys Subcommittee shall be responsible for (1) assuring that the metals and alloys subfile meets present and future needs of metallurgists and materials scientists, (2) developing and updating the metals and alloys subfile, (3) editing metals and alloys data and products to ensure a high standard of quality, and (4) extending the coverage and usefulness of the metals and alloys subfile, and (5) maintaining a web page on the ICDD site to communicate with members and other materials scientists.
Micro and Meso Subcommittee
Chair: Cyrus Crowder
The Micro and Meso Subcommittee will identify systems in which ordered pores, channels, and/or cages on the nano, meso, or microscale are important in the diffraction and the performance of the material; and will identify how the ICDD and PDF can serve the scientific community by providing reference and resource material, by creating or adapting a formalized description of these materials, and contributing to techniques by which these materials can be characterized.
Minerals Subcommittee
Chair: Travis Olds
The objective of the Minerals Subcommittee shall be to maintain the quality of the products which serve the mineralogical and industrial communities. Furthermore, the goals of the subcommittee shall be to continue the evolution of products that serve these communities and to maintain as current a database as is possible.
Organic and Pharmaceutical Subcommittee
Chair: Silvina Pagola
The mission of the Organic and Pharmaceutical Subcommittee shall be to increase the value and successful use of the organic section of the PDF by the diffraction community. To that end the subcommittee shall (1) provide technical support for all organic databases and (2) support efforts demonstrating capabilities.
Characterization Methods and Tools
Electron Diffraction Subcommittee
Chair: Alina Bruma
The Electron Diffraction Subcommittee serves as a bridge between the electron diffraction community and the other parts of ICDD. It will communicate the needs of electron diffractionists to ICDD, so that ICDD may more effectively respond to those needs. It will assist in communicating to the electron diffraction community the way in which ICDD will serve them. To these ends, it will cooperate with other ICDD subcommittees and with the central organization of ICDD. Specifically, the subcommittee shall monitor the status of and suggest improvements to the databases and related products used in electron diffraction (those produced by other organizations, as well as those produced by ICDD).
Non-Ambient Diffraction Subcommittee
Chair: Bryan Wheaton
The Non-Ambient Diffraction Subcommittee of the International Centre for Diffraction Data is organized to facilitate the use of non-ambient diffraction data by the scientific community. It makes recommendations to the ICDD about how diffraction data obtained at non-ambient conditions should be represented in the PDF, and suggests specific research activities that could result in the production of ICDD Organization non-ambient new patterns for the PDF. It also maintains contact with various research and administrative groups throughout the world to exchange information about new developments in non-ambient diffraction techniques and results.
Synchrotron & Neutron Scattering Methods Subcommittee
Chair: Robert Papoular
The Synchrotron & Neutron Scattering Methods Subcommittee of the International Centre for Diffraction Data (ICDD) will connect the ICDD’s Technical Committee with the international synchrotron and neutron scattering community. It will educate ICDD members about advances within the community, and help identity new opportunities to enhance ICDD databases. The subcommittee will provide recommendations to address unique aspects associated with these experimental methods, and will assist the technical staff of the ICDD to integrate information obtained at synchrotron and neutron scattering facilities into the ICDD databases.
X-ray Diffraction Methods Subcommittee
Chair: TBD
The X-ray Diffraction Methods Subcommittee will provide recommendations for data to be included in the PDF by considering instrument configurations, data collection, and powder pattern calculations, with particular focus on the state-of-the-art methods.
X-ray Fluorescence Subcommittee
Chair: Mark Rodriguez
The X-ray Fluorescence Subcommittee will provide recommendations for X-ray Fluorescence to be a complement to both the PDF and ICDD. This entails synergistic interchange between data collected from XRD and XRF:
• Use of chemical composition to support powder diffraction analysis
• Ability to improve chemical composition by use of the powder diffraction
• To ultimately obtain simulated XRF data as a means of material analysis validation such as refinement of data from multiple analytical methods
In addition, the subcommittee shall develop new educational opportunities for ICDD and offer guidance on addressing elemental composition issues which are of strategic interest to ICDD.
ICDD Activities
Education Subcommittee
Chair: Nichole Wonderling
The Education Subcommittee shall be responsible for developing educational materials, implementing workshops, audio-visual programs, and special sessions at meetings concerned with the acquisition and utilization of diffraction data with emphasis on the PDF and its manual and automated search/match systems. Also, it encourages the teaching of powder diffraction methods in educational institutions. The Education Subcommittee will be responsible for assembling information about X-ray safety and providing lists and links regarding software tools for powder diffraction and X-ray fluorescence.
PDF Editorial Staff Subcommittee
Chair: Soorya Kabekkodu
The PDF Editorial Staff shall be responsible for evaluating and recommending improvements in the editorial and bibliographic procedures of the ICDD.